Publicação científica trimestral do CREMERJ - volume 2 - número 2 - 2023

52 Esteatose Pancreática José Galvão-Alves e Bruna Cerbino de Souza Med. Ciên. e Arte , Rio de Janeiro, v.2, n.2, p.42-54, abr-jun 2023 então, e o que outrora era considerada uma condição inócua, hoje parece apresentar implicações clínicas expressivas. Novas pesquisas são necessárias para o estabelecimento de critérios clínicos, patológicos e radiológicos, a fim de instituir normas padronizadas para o diagnóstico e classificação dos diferentes estágios da doença, estratégias para seu tratamento e complicações a longo prazo. REFERÊNCIAS 1. WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe; 2022. 2. Wajchenberg BL. Subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue: their relation to the metabolic syndrome. Endocr Rev 2000; 21: 697-738. 3. Vague J. La differenciation sexuelle; facteur determinant desformes de l’obesite. Presse Med 1947; 55: 339. 4. Bouchard C, Despres JP, Mauriege P. Genetic and nongenetic determinants of regional fat distribution. Endocr Rev 1993; 14: 72-93. 5. Ogilvie R. The island of langerhans in 19 cases of obesity. J. Pathol. 37, 473-481 (1933). 6. Olsen TS. Lipomatosis of the pancreas in autopsy material and its relation to age and overweight. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. A 86a,367-373 (1978). 7. Stamm BH. Incidence and diagnostic significance of minor pathologic changes in the adult pancreas at autopsy: a systematic study of 112 autopsies in patients without known pancreatic disease. Hum. Pathol. 15, 677-683 (1984). 8. Smits MM & van Geenen EJM Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 8, 169-177 (2011). 9. Nguyen MT, Satoh H, Favelyukis S, Babendure JL, Imamura T, Sbodio JI et al. JNK and tumor necrosis factor-alpha mediate free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. J Biol Chem (2005) 280(42):35361-71. 10. McNelis JC, Olefsky JM. Macrophages, immunity, and metabolic disease. Immunity (2014) 41(1):36-48. 11. Suganami T, Nishida J, Ogawa Y. A paracrine loop between adipocytes and macrophages aggravates inflammatory changes: role of free fatty acids and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol (2005) 25(10):2062-8. 12. Dixon LJ, Barnes M, Tang H, Pritchard MT, Nagy LE. Kupffer cells in the liver. Compr Physiol (2013) 3(2):785-97. 13. Jager J, Aparicio-Vergara M, Aouadi M. Liver innate immune cells and insulin resistance: the multiple facets of Kupffer cells. J Intern Med (2016) 280(2):209-20. 14. Kolios G, Valatas V, Kouroumalis E. Role of Kupffer cells in the pathogenesis of liver disease. World J Gastroenterol (2006) 12(46):7413-20. 15. Henkel J, Gartner D, Dorn C, Hellerbrand C, Schanze N, Elz SR et al. Oncostatin M produced in Kupffer cells in response to PGE2: possible contributor to hepatic insulin resistance and steatosis. Lab Invest (2011) 91(7):1107-17. 16. Fraulob JC, Ogg-Diamantino R, Fernandes-Santos C et al. A Mouse Model of Metabolic Syndrome: insulin Resistance, Fatty Liver and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Pancreas Disease (NAFPD) in C57BL/6 Mice Fed a High Fat Diet. J Clin Biochem Nutr 2010; 46: 212-223. 17. van Geenen EJ, Smits MM, Schreuder TC et al. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is related to nonalcoholic fatty pancreas disease. Pancreas 2010; 39: 1185-1190.