Publicação científica trimestral do CREMERJ - volume 2 - número 1 - 2023

60 Abordagem clínica nas lombalgias: uma revisão narrativa Mirhelen Mendes de Abreu Med. Ciên. e Arte , Rio de Janeiro, v.2, n.1, p.42-60, jan-mar 2023 5. Mutubuki EN, Luitjens MA, Maas ET, et al. Predictive factors of high societal costs among chronic low back pain patients. Eur J Pain 2020; 24: 325–37. 6. Carregaro RL, Tottoli CR, Rodrigues DdS, Bosmans JE, da Silva EN, van Tulder M (2020) Low back pain should be considered a health and research priority in Brazil: Lost productivity and healthcare costs between 2012 to 2016. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0230902. pone.0230902 7. Vlaeyen JWS, Crombez G. Behavioral conceptualization and treatment of chronic pain. Annu Rev Clin Psychol 2020; 16: 187-212. 8. Battié MC, Joshi AB, Gibbons LE, ISSLS Degenerative Spinal Phenotypes Group. Degenerative disc disease: what is in a name? Spine 2019; 44: 1523–29. 9. Maetzel A, Li L. The economic burden of low back pain: a review of studies published between 1996 and 2001. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2002;16:23-30. 10. Carvalho-E-Silva APMC, Harmer AR, Pinheiro MB, et al. Does the heritability of chronic low back pain depend on how the condition is assessed? Eur J Pain 2019; 23: 1712–22. 11. Brazil AV, Ximenes AC, Radu AS, Fernandes AR, Appel C, Maçaneiro CH, et al. Diagnóstico e tratamento das lombalgias e lombociatalgias. Rev Brasil Reumatol 2004; 44 (6): 419-25. 12. Patel ND, Broderick DF, Burns J, et al. ACR appropriateness criteria low back pain. J Am Coll Radiol 2016; 13: 1069-78. 13. Premkumar A, Godfrey W, Gottschalk MB, Boden SD. Red flags for low back pain are not always really red: a prospective evaluation of the clinical utility of commonly used screening questions for low back pain. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2018; 100: 368-74. 14. Anheyer D, Haller H, Barth J, Lauche R, Dobos G, Cramer H. Mindfulness-based stress reduction for treating low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med 2017; 166: 799-807. 15. Oliveira CB, Maher CG, Pinto RZ, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain in primary care: an updated overview. Eur Spine J 2018; 27: 2791–803. 16. Chou R, Qaseem A, Owens DK, Shekelle P. Diagnostic imaging for low back pain: advice for high-value health care from the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2011; 154: 181–89.