Publicação científica trimestral do CREMERJ - volume 2 - número 3 - 2023

76 Cintilografia de Perfusão Miocárdica: aplicações e avanços recentes Claudio Tinoco Mesquita et al. Med. Ciên. e Arte , Rio de Janeiro, v.2, n.3, p.61-79, jul-set 2023 REFERÊNCIAS 1. Mensah GA, Fuster V, Murray CJL, Roth GA, Mensah GA, Abate YH, et al. Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2023 Dec;82(25):2350-473. 2. Maria Moraes de Oliveira G, Campos Caldeira Brant L, Anne Polanczyk C, Carvalho Malta D, Biolo A, Ramos Nascimento B, et al. Cardiovascular Statistics-Brazil 2023. Arq Bras Cardiol [Internet]. 2023;1- 132. Disponível em: 3. Mordi IR, Badar AA, John Irving R, Weir-McCall JR, Houston JG, Lang CC. Efficacy of noninvasive cardiac imaging tests in diagnosis and management of stable coronary artery disease. Vol. 13, Vascular Health and Risk Management. Dove Medical Press Ltd.; 2017. p. 427-37. 4. Knuuti J, Wijns W, Saraste A, Capodanno D, Barbato E, Funck-Brentano C, et al. 2019 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes. Eur Heart J. 2019;1-71. 5. Li DL, Kronenberg MW. Myocardial Perfusion and Viability Imaging in Coronary Artery Disease: Clinical Value in Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapeutic Guidance. American Journal of Medicine. 2021 Aug 1;134(8):968-75. 6. de Azevedo JC, Ferreira Junior DS, Vieira FC, Prezotti LS, Simões LS, Nacif MS, et al. Correlation between myocardial scintigraphy and CT angiography in the evaluation of coronary disease. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;100(3). 7. Arbab-Zadeh A, Miller JM, Rochitte CE, Dewey M, Niinuma H, Gottlieb I, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography coronary angiography according to pre-test probability of coronary artery disease and severity of coronary arterial calcification. The CORE-64 (Coronary Artery Evaluation Using 64-Row Multidetector Computed Tomog. J Am Coll Cardiol [Internet]. 2012;59(4):379–87. Disponível em: http:// 8. Reeves RA, Halpern EJ, Rao VM. Cardiac imaging trends from 2010 to 2019 in the medicare population. Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging. 2021 Oct 1;3(5). 9. Eduardo Mastrocola L, Juarez Amorim B, Vicente Vitola J, Soares Brandão SC, Blacher Grossman G, Souza Leão Lima De R, et al. Atualização da Diretriz Brasileira de Cardiologia Nuclear – 2020. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020 Feb 1;114(2):325-428. 10. Jimenez-Heffernan A, Butt S, Mesquita CT, Massardo T, Peix A, Kumar A, et al. Technical aspects of gated SPECT MPI assessment of left ventricular dyssynchrony used in the VISION-CRT study. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology. 2021 Jun 1;28(3):1165-71. 11. Bailly M, Ribeiro MJ, Angoulvant D. Combining flow and reserve measurement during myocardial perfusion imaging: A new era for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy? Vol. 114, Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases. Elsevier Masson s.r.l.; 2021. p. 818-27. 12. Agostini D, Roule V, Nganoa C, Roth N, Baavour R, Parienti JJ, et al. First validation of myocardial flow reserve assessed by dynamic 99mTc-sestamibi CZT-SPECT camera: head to head comparison with 15O-water PET and fractional flow reserve in patients with suspected coronary artery disease. The WATERDAY study. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2018;45(7):1079-90. 13. Gimelli A, Liga R, Giorgetti A, Favilli B, Pasanisi EM, Marzullo P. Determinants of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in patients submitted to myocardial perfusion imaging: A cardiac CZT study. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology [Internet]. 2015; Disponível em: 14. Patel MR, Calhoon JH, Dehmer GJ, Grantham JA, Maddox TM, Maron DJ, et al. ACC/AATS/AHA/ ASE/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/STS 2017 Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol [Internet]. 2017 May;69(17):2212-41. Disponível em: 15. de Souza-Filho EM, de Amorim Fernandes F. Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Cardiology. In: Nuclear Cardiology. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021.