Publicação científica trimestral do CREMERJ - volume 2 - número 1 - 2023

41 Med. Ciên. e Arte , Rio de Janeiro, v.2, n.1, p.16-41, jan-mar 2023 Manejo das complicações gastroenterológicas no paciente diabético José Galvão-Alves e Bruna Cerbino de Souza 45. Hickman IJ, Jonsson JR, Prins JB, Ash S, Purdie DM, Clouston AD, Powell EE. Modest weight loss and physical activity in overweight patients with chronic liver disease results in sustained improvements in alanine aminotransferase, fasting insulin, and quality of life. Gut 2004; 53: 413-419. 46. Suzuki A, Lindor K, St Saver J, Lymp J, Mendes F, Muto A, Okada T, Angulo P. Effect of changes on body weight and lifestyle in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2005; 43: 1060-1066. 47. Cowin GJ, Jonsson JR, Bauer JD, Ash S, Ali A, Osland EJ, Purdie DM, Clouston AD, Powell EE, Galloway GJ. Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy for monitoring liver steatosis. J Magn Reson Imaging 2008; 28: 937-945. 48. Li Y, Liu L, Wang B, Wang J, Chen D. Metformin in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biomed Rep 2013;1:57-64. 49. Ferguson D, Finck BN. Emerging therapeutic approaches for the treatment of NAFLD and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2021 Aug;17(8):484-495. 50. Caussy C, Aubin A, Loomba R. The Relationship Between Type 2 Diabetes, NAFLD, and Cardiovascular Risk. Curr Diab Rep. 2021 Mar 19;21(5):15. 51. Chalasani N, Younossi Z, Lavine JE, Charlton M, Cusi K, Rinella M, Harrison SA, Brunt EM and Sanyal, AJ. (2018) The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology, 67: 328-357. 52. Scorletti E, Bhatia L, McCormick KG, CloughGF, NashK, Hodson L, et al. Effects of purified eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: results from the Welcome* study. Hepatology 2014;60:1211-1221. 53. Sanyal AJ, Abdelmalek MF, Suzuki A, Cummings OW, Chojkier M; EPE-A Study Group. No significant effects of ethyleicosapentanoic acid on histologic features of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in a phase 2 trial. Gastroenterology 2014;147:377-384. 54. Lindor KD, Kowdley KV, Heathcote EJ, Harrison ME, Jorgensen R, Angulo P, Lymp JF, Burgart L, Colin P. Ursodeoxycholic acid for treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: results of a randomized trial. Hepatology 2004; 39: 770-778. 55. Bower G, Toma T, Harling L, Jiao LR, Efthimiou E, Darzi A, et al. Bariatric surgery and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review of liver biochemistry and histology. Obes Surg 2015;25:2280-2289. 56. Mauriac P. Gros ventre, hépatomégalie, troubles de la croissance chez les enfants diabétiques traités depuis plusieurs années par l’insuline. Gaz Hebd Med Bordeaux. 1930; 26:402-410. 57. Murata F, Horie I, Ando T, et al. A case of glycogenic hepatopathy developed in a patient with new- onset fulminant type 1 diabetes: the role of image modalities in diagnosing hepatic glycogen deposition including gradient-dual-echo MRI. Endocr J. 2012; 59:669-676. 58. Saxena P, Turner I, McIndoe R. Education and Imaging. Hepatobiliary and pancreatic: Glycogenic hepatopathy: a reversible condition. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 25: 646. 59. Abaci A, Bekem O, Unuvar T, Ozer E, Bober E, Arslan N, Ozturk Y, Buyukgebiz A. Hepatic glycogenosis: a rare cause of hepatomegaly in Type 1 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Complications 2008; 22: 325-328.